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Red rose buds

Red rose buds

Regular price $10.80 CAD
Regular price $9.00 CAD Sale price $10.80 CAD
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Taste: Mild and delicate in flavor this tea finishes with a semi-sweet, floral flavor. Benefits: * Provide Vitamins A,B,C,E,K * Prevent & Lighten the Wrinkles * Relieve Menstrual Pain * Protect Stomach & Liver * Improve Blood Circulation * Ease Constipation * Treat Endocrine Disorders * Acne & Moisturize Skin * Reduce Body Fats * Reduce Fatigue * Soothe Nerves * Relieve Clogged Skin Pores * Relieve Pain in Knees & Waist * Maintain Health in the Uterus * Aid in Healing Wounds * Relieve Indigestion * Can Be Used In Bath Or Shower
From: China
Harvest/Produced: spring 2020

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