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Hei Ku Qiao (Black Tartary Buckwheat)

Hei Ku Qiao (Black Tartary Buckwheat)

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Black Tartary Buckwheat Tea — a healthy refreshment for everyone
Black Tartary buckwheat is grown at an altitude of 2200 metres above sea level in a pure natural environment in the alpine region of northern Sichuan province.
This variety of buckwheat, sometimes also called black pearl buckwheat, provides 2 to 5 times more health benefits than common buckwheat. In Chinese medicine, black foods are believed to benefit the kidneys; the kidneys maintain the water balance in the body. They are the source of the vital essence. Therefore, to nourish the kidneys is fundamentally important to nourishing the whole body. Black Tartary buckwheat tea is a golden beverage for the 21st century, that brings together refreshing taste and medicinal benefits in one cup.
King of the Cereals
The Benefits of Tartary Buckwheat
Lowering Blood Sugar
Black Tartary buckwheat is rich in the bioflavonoid rutin (vitamin P). Its major benefits include
increasing the flexibility of blood vessels, improving circulation and controlling blood sugar levels.
Lowering Blood Lipids
Modern pharmaceutical and clinical tests have shown that rutin (buckwheat soda) is effective in lowering blood lipids (fats in the blood) and cholesterol. It can serve as an important auxiliary tonic in the treatment of high blood pressure and coronary blood vessel disease. It is especially effective in reducing the brittleness of arteries associated with ageing, maintaining the resistance of blood vessels and restoring their elasticity.
Lowering Blood Pressure
Tartary buckwheat is rich in magnesium, containing 4.4 times as much as wheat flour and 3.3 times as much as hulled rice. Magnesium is important in promoting cell transformation in the human body, regulating the action of the cardiac muscle and helping the body dissolve fibre and protein. It inhibits the formation of blood clots, lowers blood cholesterol, and is effective in preventing arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Soothing the Stomach
The starches contained in Tartary buckwheat are transformed into a weak base during digestion. This alkaline substance can help counteract excessive acidity in the stomach. It lines the stomach with a protective coating that can relieve the irritation and discomfort of infections.
Eliminating Toxins
Tartary buckwheat contains 1.6% dietary fibre. This is 8 times the amount found in ordinary rice flour, and is very effective for helping bowel movement and eliminating toxins from the intestines. About 1/3 of the protein in Tartary buckwheat is effective in clearing toxins and foreign matter from the body. Long-term intake of Tartary buckwheat can help to reduce excess weight, cleanse the body internally and enhance the complexion.
Improving the Complexion
Tartary buckwheat can be effective in minimizing the appearance of freckles and age spots on the skin. You can benefit from Tartary buckwheat if you:
Are overweight
Eat out frequently
Spend much time sitting or driving
Do stressful intellectual work
Have taken too much alcohol
Suffer from constipation
Suffer from high blood pressure, high blood sugar or high blood lipids
Suffer from diabetes
Are pregnant
Have a vitamin or mineral deficiency
Have a history of gastritis or gastric ulcers
BUCKWHEAT TEA How to prepare a delicious cup of buckwheat tea
Tartary buckwheat is found in two forms. The first form, common buckwheat, has a pale yellow outer husk. The second form has a deep black-coloured husk and is sometimes called “black pearl” buckwheat. Its nutritional value is very high. It can be enjoyed like a tea, in a variety of ways according to individual taste. It is recommended to brew it in hot water that has been brought to 90 ?.
For teabags of 4-6 grams, steep for 3-5 minutes in the cup before drinking. One teabag can be re-used to make 6-9 cups of tea.
Green Sprouts in the Desert: Black Tartary buckwheat + Mianzhou sparrow tongue tea. Add the brewed green tea to the buckwheat tea. Beneficial in treating chronic pharyngitis, as well as for expelling toxins and nourishing the complexion.
Snow Flurry in the Desert: Black Tartary buckwheat + Mianzhou snow flurry tea. Add brewed jasmine tea to the buckwheat tea. Effective in relieving constipation and promoting blood circulation.
Good Luck Up Ahead: Black Tartary buckwheat + Goji berry + Mianzhou sparrow tongue tea. Add the brewed Goji berry and the green tea to the buckwheat tea. Can serve as an effective tonic for the immune system, and also protect and nourish the kidneys.
Roses in the Snow: Black Tartary buckwheat + Rose tea + Mianzhou snow flurry tea. Add the brewed rose tea and jasmine tea to the buckwheat tea. Provides nourishment for the complexion, expels toxins and enhances the appearance of youthful vitality.
From: Sichuan province, China.
Harvest/Produced: spring 2020

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